
The music for the film was undecided for a significant amount. We were told initially that we were not doing it, but were then told we were.

The primary musical sequences of the film were chosen by the media group. We tried to persuade them in the choice of some more appropriate audio, but they decided against it.

Joe composed the other sections of music in the film, and we both decided how they would fit in. The music was inspired by the popular TV series BlackMirror. The show’s themes follow a similar idea of the film, and we felt this would work well.

The music is intended to create an uneasy feeling in sections that help to create the overall feel of the film. As we were not given any musical direction, we decided to go about it independently.

We attempted to give the off-screen character “Basin” a theme by repeating a piece of music whenever his name is mentioned.

Even tho the music is simplistic, mainly due to timing issues, we still feel it came out well and fits the theme of the film.

We added music to a radio to help build room atmosphere during the dinner scene.

The music used was the Pink Floyd show performed by Lincoln College which was mixed and mastered by us. We added this as it was similar to the kinds of things played on the radio.

Overall we were happy with all the musical aspects of the film.

Editing – Atmos

As the film doesn’t feature too many locations creating the atmos was something we wanted to do carefully.

We wanted to try and create a larger scene using sound.

Firstly we decided against using the Atmos we had recorded on set. This was due to the zoom preamps being too loud and the recordings just sounding like static with no characteristic.

We used Freesound to get a series of different ambience recordings and merging them together to create each section of Atmos.

By layering the sounds, we were able to add more texture to a scene. This is most apparent in the bathroom scene where we added a clock. This was done to enhance some of the silence to help create an awkward atmosphere. We also used this in the flashback dinner scene. Birds were added to create a more cheerful setting and to help build on the fact that this was a different scene. Finally, we added rain to the end of the film to help create a mood.

Overall I was triumphal with how the Atmos track came out. I personally would have preferred if the shots had more characteristics to them that we could have used to enhance the Atmos. For example, in the dinner scene, a fire would have given a nice undertone to the room. This would have improved the quality of the soundscape a lot in my opinion.

Foley Recording – Part 2

This session we focused mainly on spot effects. This mostly consisted of dining sounds and a few more unique sounds.

We did our first pass which was knives, forks, plates and glasses. Recording the sounds to the picture worked well for most of these except the bigger sounds such as cutlery dropping.

As the film is reasonably simple, all of the sounds were quite straight forward to record.

Our last pass on the movie consisted of footsteps and finishing touches.

This was reasonably straightforward to track to the movie.

We tried to add footsteps in to help flow the film a little better. This helped build continuity between scenes and helps alert the audience that someone is coming.

Editing – Dialouge

The dialogue for the film was recorded using radio microphones and a Boom.

We also took on set ADR after some scenes that we were not happy with during filming.

A problem I encountered during editing was when the media team had not placed audio in the scene. There were a few times where the rushes were not synced to the video or were just missing altogether.

Editing the dialogue was quite simple. I went through each section and chose the best sound from the different microphones. I cropped out as much noise from in between the dialogue as I could to help clean it up.

After this, i bussed each track to a single auxiliary. I then added some EQ and compression to help level everything.

I used EQ match to help the ADR sound more as though it was in the scene. I am very pleased with how this worked out as it helped blend the ADR with the rest of the dialogue.

I used different sends and automation to add reverb in the right sections. I feel this worked well for the most part. However, there were a few parts where it sounds strange. This is due to the reverb merging the room sound on the recording. Some sections are more noticeable than others, but I decided to leave it as it did help with blending.

Overall I think the dialogue came out well and sits nicely with the film.

Editing – Dialouge – Bathroom Scene

On receiving picture lock, we decided to watch the whole film first with camera audio and then using ours.

We first decided which scenes would need replacing with our on set ADR.

The bathroom scene was one which had a few problems on set for some reasons. Firstly, both radio mic’s were unusable. Luka’s radio mic was constantly being ruffled as he was getting dressed in the scene and Olivia’s was under a rather thick coat. This meant both of them were ruled out for their poor quality. The boom was used in conjunction with the onset ADR to help recreate the performance.

As this scene had not been rehearsed before the shoot, the actor’s performance changed throughout the takes. As they settled into the role the way, they read their lines evolved. This meant when we recorded our ADR after shooting the actors said their lines as they had been in the later takes. In editing, they chose an early take. This meant I had to use an unfortunate amount of correction.

I started by using warp within ProTools in an attempt to line up the dialogue. I used this in conjunction with the boom and some harsh EQ and reverb.

I felt this scene came out poorly in my opinion because of this.