Editing – Dialouge

The dialogue for the film was recorded using radio microphones and a Boom.

We also took on set ADR after some scenes that we were not happy with during filming.

A problem I encountered during editing was when the media team had not placed audio in the scene. There were a few times where the rushes were not synced to the video or were just missing altogether.

Editing the dialogue was quite simple. I went through each section and chose the best sound from the different microphones. I cropped out as much noise from in between the dialogue as I could to help clean it up.

After this, i bussed each track to a single auxiliary. I then added some EQ and compression to help level everything.

I used EQ match to help the ADR sound more as though it was in the scene. I am very pleased with how this worked out as it helped blend the ADR with the rest of the dialogue.

I used different sends and automation to add reverb in the right sections. I feel this worked well for the most part. However, there were a few parts where it sounds strange. This is due to the reverb merging the room sound on the recording. Some sections are more noticeable than others, but I decided to leave it as it did help with blending.

Overall I think the dialogue came out well and sits nicely with the film.

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