Dave Meetings – March

Our first meeting this month was about some issues we were having with the group.

This was due to poor communication from the media team about what was needed from us. As filming for the first scenes in Home nightclub got closer, we found they cut dialogue, and we were no longer needed. This was quite frustrating as we had spent time setting equipment up for the shoot.

Joe and I during this period expressed that the poor communication could lead to further problems and that swapping projects may work out better.

Dave spoke about seeing what the media group were like on set to see if they were easier to work with. We went the Home shoot and recorded a good amount of material to use just in case.

The next few meetings were taken up by filming dates.

After filming had been finished, we spoke with Dave about the process and how it had gone from our point of view. Dave advised us on the next steps of the project in regards to editing and looking at getting a picture lock date.

Towards the end of the month, we encountered a lot of issues with syncing dialogue. This was due to us not knowing who was in chargeĀ of this aspect. We met with Phil Stevens the media groups tutor to go over the issue together.

This was quickly resolved.


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